Financing A Solar Project: Where To Start?
Why and how does external financing come into play when buying a PV system? What are the advantages and disadvantages? Find out what you should bear in mind when approaching PV financing.
Why and how does external financing come into play when buying a PV system? What are the advantages and disadvantages? Find out what you should bear in mind when approaching PV financing.
Prerequisite to buying or selling any PV project is knowing how much it truly is worth. It must be clear what return can be expected and to what extent it can be optimised. The price is a crucial criterion for deciding whether investing or selling makes sense. But how can the value of PV projects be genuinely determined?
Many people in the photovoltaic industry are currently wondering how to correctly transfer their profits to the state.
By 2035, Germany’s electricity supply is set to be based almost entirely on renewable energies.
The age of low interest is past. This economic downturn is hitting many commercial photovoltaic projects hard, as most of them are based on credit financing.
The binding 1.5-degree climate protection target of the Paris Climate Agreement and the recent look at Germany’s lack of energy independence have sharpened the senses in politics and society for the expansion of renewable energies. German lawmakers reacted to this by adopting the so called “easter package”, which was of course only passed in mid-summer.