batteries Posts

High-demand charges: How U.S. businesses could save money through energy storage

High-demand charges: How U.S. businesses could save money through energy storage

Millions of U.S. businesses could save money by storing energy, as this would lower the impact of the very common high demand charges that are often applied for commercial customers. This is the result of a recent study by NREL.

Sinking storage costs may make renewables the winning team

Sinking storage costs may make renewables the winning team

Energy storage costs are sinking, which benefits the success of renewables on the energy market. The University of California and the Technical University in Munich have now conducted a study on the matter, explaining concern that a decrease in research and development funding may impede a possible growth for renewables.

PV installations with storage are now encouraged in Czech Republic

PV installations with storage are now encouraged in Czech Republic

Until end of May, Czech companies can apply for funding if they are planning a PV installation with a storage option. This is meant to increase the available storage capacities, as 5 kw/h of battery storage is required for every kilowatt of PV power.