Investment in Photovoltaic Posts

Direct Investment: Differences Between Project Phases

Direct Investment: Differences Between Project Phases

Investments in PV projects can be made at different project stages. Are new or existing photovoltaic systems more lucrative? Find out what opportunities and risks these asset variants entail.

Asset Class: Commercial PV Systems

Asset Class: Commercial PV Systems

What are the advantages and disadvantages of investing in commercial PV systems? For whom is it a good option? Find out what makes photovoltaics interesting as an asset class.

Our New Investment Guide Is Now Available!

Our New Investment Guide Is Now Available!

Are you looking for attractive investments, while staying true to your values and use your money for meaningful projects – but don’t know where to start yet? Does the photovoltaic market seem too complex and changing for you to take the plunge and get started?

3 Tips on How To Manage My Photovoltaic Investment

3 Tips on How To Manage My Photovoltaic Investment

Everything is running smoothly with your PV system: the electricity is being fed into the grid, the bills from the energy supplier are regularly in the mail and the payments, which you simply trust to be correct, also arrive on time in the account.

But the bills, receipts and documents are piling up and have to be compiled for the tax advisor, appointments for inspections have to be made and it would also be time to think about whether the “too expensive” contracts of the various service providers could be optimized.

Activate the full potential of your photovoltaic system in a targeted way

Activate the full potential of your photovoltaic system in a targeted way

Your PV  system generates cash for you. Some technical services ensure its the long-term function, and some are suitable for extra optimization. As is so often the case, the profitability principle applies to distinguish necessary investments from those that need to be clearly calculated so as to optimize yields. That way, you can exploit the full potential of your system and optimize your returns!

The new hype around large-scale ground-mounted PV projects in Germany

The new hype around large-scale ground-mounted PV projects in Germany

There is a sense of optimism in the German solar market, as the industry rediscovers large-scale ground-mounted solar plants.