Poland’s second renewable energy auction contracts 472 new projects

Poland’s second renewable energy auction contracts 472 new projects

Late last month, Poland held its second renewable energy auction, open to solar, wind and hydro power projects. 472 new projects were awarded, with a maximum size of 1 MW per project. As expected, solar received the largest share.


About a month ago we have reported on the plans for Poland’s second-ever auction for renewable energy projects, which was held on June 29th. Solar, hydro and wind power projects could participate, with a maximum project size of 1 MW each. The energy gained through the selected projects will be sold at the offered price for 15 years, with an annual increase at inflation rates. Just as expected beforehand, solar was very successful in the auction.


Solar projects most successful

While the polish government has not yet disclosed any exact figures regarding how many projects were awarded to each respective type of renewable energy, experts are certain that solar was the most successful and received the largest share. The Polish energy regulator URE had set a ceiling price for PV of 450 PLN ($121.3)/MWh. As a result, the lowest bid was 195 PLN (52.6 USD)/MWh, while the highest bid reached 398,97 PLN (107.6 USD)/MWh.


Chinese solar company Renesola among most successful bidders

Among the bidders, the Chinese solar company renesola clearly stands out, having secured a remarkable number of 42 of the awarded projects and thus receiving 42 MW of solar capacity. The projects are eligible for a 15-year guaranteed tariff of PLN 385-392/MWh. According to Renesola, the projects will be connected to the Polish utility grid by Q2 and Q3 next year respectively.


Poland trying to push renewables

By the end of 2016, Poland’s overall installed capacity was 199 MW. The Polish government is seeking ways to increase this, and introduced changes to the country’s renewable energy law in July 2016. One measure taken is the introduction of auctions for renewable energy projects. The first one was held in December 2016. 84 projects were awarded, mostly for solar, however, experts claim only one has come online so far. As the ceiling price for PV was PLN 465 (125.1 USD)/MWh in last year’s auction, higher rates could be achieved, with PLN 408 (109.8 USD)/MWh being the highest bid and PLN 253.5 (68.2 USD)/MWh being the lowest.


Title image: Jürgen Faelchle/Shutterstock