Netherlands may reach 6 GW of solar by 2020

Netherlands may reach 6 GW of solar by 2020

According to a recent report by the Dutch research institute ECN, the country’s installed solar capacity may reach 6 GW by 2020. What is more, it could rise to as much as 20 GW by 2035.


In partnership with the Dutch Central Office for Statistics (CBS), the Dutch research institute Energieonderzoek Centrum Nederland (ECN) has released the annual National Energy Report (Nationale Energieverkenning 2017 – NEV). This report, which describes the energy transition and the expected developments up to 2030, claims that the country’s overall installed PV capacity could rise from its current 2 GW to a remarkable 6 GW by 2020. What is more, a further growth to 20 GW by 2035 is considered very possible.


Two thirds of SDE+ solar capacity have to be built

According to ECN experts, these goals can only be reached if at least two thirds of the allocated solar capacity under the SDE+ auction program for large-scale renewable energy projects is installed. ECN believes that these PV projects could achieve a tariff of 0.10 EUR / kWh by 2020. However, this figure may decrease by 30% between 2020 and 2035.

The SDE+ program keeps constanty adding to the country’s solar capacity. During the recent spring round, 2.3 GW were allocated. However, most of the projects that form part of the program have already been completed, so that not much is left lined up.


Renewables constantly increasing popularity

Between 2000 and 2016, the Netherlands were able to increase the share of renewables in the power mix from only 2% to around 6%. By 2023, however, it could be as high as 16.7% – all thanks to solar, which is expected to make up almost 50% of this growth.


Further steps towards greener energy future taken

Less than two weeks ago, the Dutch government announced further steps towards a greener energy future: according to a new legislation, all coal-fired energy generation plants are to be closed by 2030. A binding target will be set to cut carbon emissions by 2030 in order stabilize carbon prices. There will also be tougher limits for mercury, nitrogen dioxide and sulphur dioxide emissions that all coal plants have to stick to, which will be implemented from 2021.